

Paper Submission
Papers should be submitted by e-mail (paper12@socphyschemserb.org) as a single attached Word-file before May 15, 2014 May 31, 2014. Papers received after the indicated deadline cannot be guaranteed publication in the Conference Proceedings.
Paper Preparation

The authors are limited to no more than three regular contributions and one invited lecture. The authors are asked to respect the strict four-page limit for the papers (including abstract, introduction, results and discussion, and conclusion) in A4 format. Only the invited lectures will be printed in full length (eight pages maximum). Margins of 4,85cm on the top and bottom should be left and 4cm on both right and left of the text. The title should be written in font 14 (Times New Roman) and in bold capital letters. The rest of the text should be in 12 point fonts (Times New Roman). The author’s address (with indication of the corresponding University, where it is appropriate) should be given in italics. The title and names of authors should be followed by the abstract of the paper. The section titles of the paper should be typed in 12 point bold capital letters. References to the literature within text should be placed in square brackets: [1], [2], …, and cited at the end of the text. The papers (original and two copies) should be submitted before May 15, 2014 May 31, 2014. The papers received after that deadline cannot be guaranteed the publication in the Conference Proceedings. Participants from Serbia are kindly recommended to include the Acknowledgement line including the Project numbers.

[1] G. Petrov, Raman Spectrosc., 2003, 34, 160-167.

Please follow the next rules:
Title: Times New Roman, 14pt, capital, bold
Authors: Times New Roman, 12pt
Affiliation: Times New Roman, 12pt, italic
Text: Paper format A4; Single line spacing; Times New Roman, 12pt; margins 4,85cm on top and bottom, and 4,0cm on left and right, Justification Full
Headings: Times New Roman, 12pt, capital, bold
References: Times New Roman, 12pt
Illustrations: Should be supplied, both, integrated in the text and as separate JPEG or TIFF files

You can use our template for Microsoft Word documents.